It's been a busy weekend for Jamie!
On Saturday, he had a volleyball tournament - held at St. Charles (the old Nickel District - for you absentee Sudburians). Their St. John's team has a great coach this year - it's the principal of the school - and she knows her volleyball! Starting at 10:30 am, Jamie's team played their first game against St. Anne and they tied (each team won a set). They had a short break and then played six more games in a row! The guys were exhausted by that last game - but they won a couple more games and there were a couple of really close games - lost by only a couple of points. The guys played really well!
Tonight - we (Corrie, Jamie and I) went to the INXS concert at the Sudbury Arena. It was amazing! They put on a great show! The band played a good mix of old and new songs - and Jamie even sang along during a couple of the songs. Jamie's favourite part was when they played "Pretty Vegas" - his favourite song by the group. JD was really good.
The part Jamie liked the least was - waiting in line to get in to the arena (it was windy and cold) and then when we got in where it was warm - we still had to wait till the show started - in Jamie's words - "It was boring." You can only watch people trying to find their seats for so long.
We had really good seats about 7 rows up and to the right side of the stage. If you've been to the arena, we were just up from the players' bench. Jamie could see everything, even though he thought the "light show" was a little bright! And, of course, he wore his ear plugs the entire time. We all know how much Jamie hates loud noises!
What a good first concert experience! And to think - he almost didn't even get to go! Jennifer was supposed to go, but she decided against it - not sure why exactly. Anyhow, I asked Jamie to go in her place.
When we were driving back in the car tonight, Jamie said - "That's the dumbest smart decision she has ever made!"
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006

The wonderful thing about all-girls schools is that they know how to celebrate holidays and have fun . . . and yet somehow, still get school work done during class time.
For Hallowe'en this year, both Meghan and Jennifer dressed up for the day at school. As you can see from the picture, Meghan was a pirate. She paid attention to the details. If you look closely, you can see her dangling earring, her sword, and her wonderful boots!
Jennifer decided to be "Rowan Hood" - a close relative to Robin Hood. She definitely gives to the poor - "in spirit" that is. She made her own arrows (non-pointy) and a quiver for the arrows. The cape is the one that I made for Jamie when he was Robin Hood about 6 years ago.
Both girls had a great day! Meghan went trick-or-treating with a couple of friends, but I insisted that Jennifer stay home and hand out the "treats". It was a good year for costumes!
Terrific Kids

About a week before the assembly, Jennifer answered the phone and took a message from Jamie's teacher, Mrs. Folino. The message was simply to call the school. When I received the message, I promptly asked Jamie what happened at school that day. I asked if he got in to trouble, if he didn't complete his homework, if he "bombed" a test or assignment, or even if he was bugging the girls. All his answers were "no".
When I finally returned the teacher's call, I found out that Jamie was receiving the award for his Grade 8 class. Cool! Family was invited to the event. Luckily, Pierre was in town and went to the school to surprise Jamie and watch him get his award. Way to go, Jamie!
It's taken Jamie more than a week to remember to bring his certificate home! He finally brought it home today, so I quickly took a picture and am posting it before he can lose it.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
More Junior Vees Basketball

Today we brought the digital camera to basketball practice! There are a couple of pictures of Jamie - one of the action shots looks pretty good.
He had a good day today! Jamie was shooting more accurately, and he understood the drills much better. The coach has some pretty creative drills - they are constantly moving and shooting and handling the ball. When you first watch the guys with a new drill, you wonder if they'll ever catch on - or at least catch on before they run into each other! When someone told me that basketball was a thinking game, I didn't realize that you needed your brain in good working order just to practice!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Junior Vees Basketball
This afternoon Jamie had his first workout / practice with the Junior Vees basketball program. He was a little tentative at first, but by the end of the session, he was giving me the "thumbs up" sign. For Jamie, that's like jumping up and down and yelling!
I found the advertisement for this program sitting on a display table in the mall this summer. I read the information, talked to Jamie about it, and called the phone number in the reading material. The woman I spoke to ensured me that the emphasis of the program was skills of the game including dribbling, passing, shooting, and play-making. The boys are divided by age group, and Jamie would be playing with other grade 8's and some grade 9's and perhaps, Grades 10's. I was most worried that the kids would have a lot more experience with organized basketball than Jamie - I was assured that he would fit in. Jamie and I talked - he decided to give it a try.
The first session started on October 1st. It was a disaster! I was given the incorrect time - we were late. When we approached the registration table, the first thing we were asked was - "Did you bring your own basketball?" We had no idea we had to bring anything. I didn't find this out till after we had filled in all the forms, written the cheque, and sat in the gym watching everyone else playing for about 15 minutes. Then Jamie and I finally looked at each other and said, "Those guys are good! They look like they're in Grades 8 & 9. Isn't that the group you're supposed to be in??" Sure enough - it was. It was too late for him to join that day. Then, we met the coach - he asked about Jamie's shoes - apparently, he has to buy "basketball" shoes - they're only about $70.00 (for the cheap ones). By the time we left the gym that day, both Jamie and I were discouraged - planning on never coming back again!
We spent two weeks thinking about it - in the end, I convinced Jamie to give it another try. That was today! AND TODAY - WHAT A DIFFERENT STORY !
To make sure that we wouldn't arrive at the wrong time, we showed up about 20 minutes early - new Nike basketball shoes, new Reebok basketball, gym clothes, and water bottle - ready to play. We introduced ourselves, and the woman in charge today listened to our sad, frustrating story about our first day, and introduced Jamie to two of the junior coaches. Jamie spent about 10 minutes of one-on-one practice going over some of the skills that the rest of the guys had been working on for the last two weeks! Yeah!
When the official practice started, there were about 30 guys! Some of them definitely had been playing basketball a lot and knew what they were doing. There were also some (like Jamie) who loved the game, but had never had the opportunity to learn and practice. There were a couple of boys who were shorter than Jamie, but there were many who were taller - one of the kids had to be at least 6' 4" and looked like he couldn't be more than 15 years old. His lay-up was more like a roll-in since his hand was level with the rim when he jumped.
The guys did ball control drills for at least 20 minutes! Then they switched to some cardio-vascular exercises, and for another 20 minutes, the coach split them in to two groups to practice shooting drills. The last 20 minutes - they did this cool three-on-two-on-three drill. I wish I could explain it to you, but it took me five minutes of watching to figure out how it worked. Suffice if to say, it was like a mini-game where the guys were on and off the court quickly - in minutes. Wow! No wonder the guys love the sessions!
The final result - Jamie wants to go back next week! He had fun and learned a whole lot too! At the end of the practice, the coach complimented Jamie on his style and his effort. Let me tell you - Mommy is happy too!
I found the advertisement for this program sitting on a display table in the mall this summer. I read the information, talked to Jamie about it, and called the phone number in the reading material. The woman I spoke to ensured me that the emphasis of the program was skills of the game including dribbling, passing, shooting, and play-making. The boys are divided by age group, and Jamie would be playing with other grade 8's and some grade 9's and perhaps, Grades 10's. I was most worried that the kids would have a lot more experience with organized basketball than Jamie - I was assured that he would fit in. Jamie and I talked - he decided to give it a try.
The first session started on October 1st. It was a disaster! I was given the incorrect time - we were late. When we approached the registration table, the first thing we were asked was - "Did you bring your own basketball?" We had no idea we had to bring anything. I didn't find this out till after we had filled in all the forms, written the cheque, and sat in the gym watching everyone else playing for about 15 minutes. Then Jamie and I finally looked at each other and said, "Those guys are good! They look like they're in Grades 8 & 9. Isn't that the group you're supposed to be in??" Sure enough - it was. It was too late for him to join that day. Then, we met the coach - he asked about Jamie's shoes - apparently, he has to buy "basketball" shoes - they're only about $70.00 (for the cheap ones). By the time we left the gym that day, both Jamie and I were discouraged - planning on never coming back again!
We spent two weeks thinking about it - in the end, I convinced Jamie to give it another try. That was today! AND TODAY - WHAT A DIFFERENT STORY !
To make sure that we wouldn't arrive at the wrong time, we showed up about 20 minutes early - new Nike basketball shoes, new Reebok basketball, gym clothes, and water bottle - ready to play. We introduced ourselves, and the woman in charge today listened to our sad, frustrating story about our first day, and introduced Jamie to two of the junior coaches. Jamie spent about 10 minutes of one-on-one practice going over some of the skills that the rest of the guys had been working on for the last two weeks! Yeah!
When the official practice started, there were about 30 guys! Some of them definitely had been playing basketball a lot and knew what they were doing. There were also some (like Jamie) who loved the game, but had never had the opportunity to learn and practice. There were a couple of boys who were shorter than Jamie, but there were many who were taller - one of the kids had to be at least 6' 4" and looked like he couldn't be more than 15 years old. His lay-up was more like a roll-in since his hand was level with the rim when he jumped.
The guys did ball control drills for at least 20 minutes! Then they switched to some cardio-vascular exercises, and for another 20 minutes, the coach split them in to two groups to practice shooting drills. The last 20 minutes - they did this cool three-on-two-on-three drill. I wish I could explain it to you, but it took me five minutes of watching to figure out how it worked. Suffice if to say, it was like a mini-game where the guys were on and off the court quickly - in minutes. Wow! No wonder the guys love the sessions!
The final result - Jamie wants to go back next week! He had fun and learned a whole lot too! At the end of the practice, the coach complimented Jamie on his style and his effort. Let me tell you - Mommy is happy too!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Meghan's School Picture

Now that Meghan has started at Marymount, school pictures are taken early in the year to create photo student cards. This photo is the one that will be used in the yearbook as well.
Although Meghan doesn't like this picture (for reasons unknown), I think it's one of the best she has ever taken. She's smiling; her eyes are open - she's not squinting; her bangs look exactly the way she likes them! It's a great background too.
What do you think? Send her your comments.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Thanksgiving Rituals

Well, it's Thanksgiving day and I can smell the turkey cooking throughout the entire house. We're set to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner this evening - including pumpkin pie! And for those of us who don't like pumpkin, we have apple pie and ice cream.
It's a clear, cool Sunday - the perfect time for cleaning the backyard and doing that traditional chore - raking leaves! Jennifer has been spared since she is working till 5pm today. Jamie, Meghan, and Corrie are outside raking leaves - actually, Jamie and Meghan are raking a little, messing up each other's pile of leaves a little, jumping in the leaves a little, having sword fights with rakes, and generally, having a good time!
I just looked out the window in to the backyard - they've accomplished their task - the leaves are raked and placed in plastic bags! But by the look of the trees, we'll be raking again next weekend.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Jennifer's not a Trainee Anymore!

Hey, its Jen here! As most of you know, I have been working at M&M Meat Shops for about 4 months. To work at M&Ms, there is a crazy amount of both online and in-store training that has to be done. You must know about all of the products, how to handle customers and they even give you tips on how to sell merchandise. It is interesting, yet long . . . very long.
I am finally finished all of my training. Yay! I finally am going to be getting my own name tag that says "Jen" instead of "Trainee." It is all very exciting! The other day Jocelyne (one of the owners) brought me in to the office and said, "I got a big envelope with your name on it." In it was this certificate and a letter saying congratulations and that I had finished my training. I also got a pin that said "M&Ms Commitment to Excellence." The whole thing made me really happy and excited. I love my job!
So, to celebrate I bought myself mini cream puffs . . . and the whole household ended up 'celebrating' with me. Oh well.
Mom's Note: I know that Jen would appreciate you sending her your congratulations! It will take some of the pressure off me; I've said it too many times already!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Jamie's First Week at School
Well, the first thing you should know - trying to get information from Jamie about the details of what goes on at school requires a lot of patience and the ability to choose the correct questions for him to answer. The following represents four days of questions. Since I received many "I don't knows", I will try to fill in the blanks as best I can.
First - He has a teacher that is new to the school this year, and last year this teacher taught Grade 2. Her name is Mrs. Folino. Jamie seems pleased with her - she hasn't yelled all week! She started out the week with everyone sitting in alphabetical order going in a Z pattern. He has about the same number of students in his class this year as last year - about 20ish (his words).
Second - The other major thing that I found out was that she presented her "Me Kit" on the first day - it was very original! Some of the things in her kit were a bunch of movies, a bunch of pictures, a pair of running shoes (because she likes shoes and sports), a purse (because she collects purses), and a lot of other stuff.
Jamie had to bring in a "Me Item" for the second day of school - that he was to present to the class. So . . . Jamie chose to wear his Karate sweatshirt - it seemed like the correct choice since it was cold that morning and he could wear it and then talk about it! He then told the class about karate and the fact that he doesn't like the cold - that's it.
Third - Mrs. Folino did another interesting activity on the first day. The class pushed their desks out of the way, sat in a circle on their chairs, and then one-by-one, told her their names, how long they'd been at St. John, and told her something about themselves that she should know. When I asked Jamie what he told the teacher, his response was - I like quiet! That was it - he didn't explain himself or anything. The teacher's response was simply - okay.
Fourth - Jamie does not have a locker this year - he has a cubby hole! Yeah! His classroom is on the top floor, and it has a small hallway at the back of the room that has coat hooks (each student gets two hooks) and cubby holes(only one of these).
Fifth - Since the province has implemented 20 minutes of continuous physical activity for each elementary school student, Jamie's class does their 20 min. at the end of the day. This activity is called DPA! So far . . . they went outside and did suicides (running), stayed inside, listened to a work out CD, and tried to do what the exercises (Jamie - It was boring!, and on Friday the class did the same thing, but with a different CD!
Finally - All in all - not a bad first week! but not really a good first week either! I think that he misses his teacher from last year - Mr. Charlesbois. He was so awesome (according to Jamie).
First - He has a teacher that is new to the school this year, and last year this teacher taught Grade 2. Her name is Mrs. Folino. Jamie seems pleased with her - she hasn't yelled all week! She started out the week with everyone sitting in alphabetical order going in a Z pattern. He has about the same number of students in his class this year as last year - about 20ish (his words).
Second - The other major thing that I found out was that she presented her "Me Kit" on the first day - it was very original! Some of the things in her kit were a bunch of movies, a bunch of pictures, a pair of running shoes (because she likes shoes and sports), a purse (because she collects purses), and a lot of other stuff.
Jamie had to bring in a "Me Item" for the second day of school - that he was to present to the class. So . . . Jamie chose to wear his Karate sweatshirt - it seemed like the correct choice since it was cold that morning and he could wear it and then talk about it! He then told the class about karate and the fact that he doesn't like the cold - that's it.
Third - Mrs. Folino did another interesting activity on the first day. The class pushed their desks out of the way, sat in a circle on their chairs, and then one-by-one, told her their names, how long they'd been at St. John, and told her something about themselves that she should know. When I asked Jamie what he told the teacher, his response was - I like quiet! That was it - he didn't explain himself or anything. The teacher's response was simply - okay.
Fourth - Jamie does not have a locker this year - he has a cubby hole! Yeah! His classroom is on the top floor, and it has a small hallway at the back of the room that has coat hooks (each student gets two hooks) and cubby holes(only one of these).
Fifth - Since the province has implemented 20 minutes of continuous physical activity for each elementary school student, Jamie's class does their 20 min. at the end of the day. This activity is called DPA! So far . . . they went outside and did suicides (running), stayed inside, listened to a work out CD, and tried to do what the exercises (Jamie - It was boring!, and on Friday the class did the same thing, but with a different CD!
Finally - All in all - not a bad first week! but not really a good first week either! I think that he misses his teacher from last year - Mr. Charlesbois. He was so awesome (according to Jamie).
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Girls First Day of School

Well, the girls were awake before me this morning and ready to leave for the bus at least 15 minutes early! Their uniforms were on, school bags were packed, lunches were made, and hair was suitably styled. I hope this continues for the rest of the year - I know, I'm dreaming, but it's good to have dreams.
I know that I shouldn't say it, but . . . the girls looked so cute! in their neat, new Marymount uniforms! I took these pictures as they were leaving to catch the bus.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Jen's Tonsils - or lack there of

On August 21, Jennifer and I drove to the Memorial Hospital to finally have her tonsils removed by Dr. Daniela Filipone. Those of you who know the family - know that Jen struggled with tonsilitis most of last year - she missed school, band practices, karate practices, and lots of other friend and family stuff. When we went to see the surgeon the first time, Jen hadn't had enough infections yet! We went back in three months - she now had had the correct number of infections in the correct amount of time - yeah! In fact, the doctor said, "I suppose this is affecting your quality of life." As Jen and I thought, isn't that what we tried to tell you three months ago!
Anyhow, we arrived at the hospital at 9:15am and left about 12 hours later. Why, you might ask? Well - all day surgery patients must arrive 3hrs ahead of time to get the paperwork and other stuff done, then the surgery occurs, then about an hour in recovery, and then because of the anesthetic, the doctor wants her patients to stay in the hospital for about another 4hrs. Thankfully, Jen and I came prepared - books, sudokus, and coloring pages! plus she slept a lot of the time!
The actual surgery took about 15 minutes of the entire day!
The recovery takes about three weeks! Jen did really well during the surgery and recovered nicely, but she couldn't believe how painful it was! She claims she'd rather go through appendicitis and the appendix surgery again than go through a tonsilectomy again. She was on serious pain meds (codeine) for almost a week - and she was quiet, very quiet. In fact, I couldn't believe how quiet the house was with her not speaking.
Instead of talking, she wrote notes - in tiny, little letters - in short form - and filled up pages of paper - I mean "filled" pages with her tiny little notes. She even got Meghan to make phone calls for her. Jen writing notes that Meghan spoke to whoever was on the phone!
Eating was another problem! For six days, she drank water and Powerade and iced tea. She ate popsicles, ice cream, and jell-o. Thankfully, she is now eating regular food again, but it will take awhile for her to regain her strength and the weight that she lost.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Marymount Barbecue

Well, it's that time of year again - less than a week before school starts. And so, this means that it's also time for the annual pre-school Marymount barbecue. It is an occasion where the girls get to pick up their schedules, talk with teachers in an informal setting, and enthusiastically talk to their friends. The staff of the school flip burgers, hand out drinks, and generally, reacquaint themselves with new and former students. In fact, it's a very loud - happy - huggy - few hours of madness for the girls and bewilderment for the parents. This is my 6th barbecue and it still amazes me how the girls are so glad to see each other - even if it's only been a few days!
Today, Wednesday August 30th, Jennifer, Meghan, and I headed to Marymount for about 11:30am. I never get a parking spot in the parking lot - always on the street - way down the street - I think every girl that goes to the school must go to the barbecue! As usual, Jennifer saw some friends and headed off with them. Meghan and I headed in to the building to find out where to pick up the Grade 7 schedules.
Meghan and I braved the crowds to find some of her teachers at the far end of the cafeteria. We met a couple of her teachers (they seemed nice enough) and picked up her schedule. It looks like a typical high school schedule, but she's still only in elementary school. No spares! She then headed off to find her friends and Jennifer's friends. Britney, Meghan's best friend, is in her home room and in all the same classes! Thank goodness for that - Meghan says she would have died if they hadn't been in the same class. As well, Emily Herbert (Corrie's friend Al's daughter) whom she's known for about 4 years and went to a different school is in her class - nice surprise! And, one of the girls from Enrichment, Mariah, is also in her class - someone else that she gets along with. All in all - Meghan had a good time!
Jennifer picked up her schedule and her grades. She didn't bother to pick up her report card at the end of the school year - or I didn't drive her in to pick it up - I can't remember which. Her grades dropped from her mid-term marks, but she still did okay. She plans to do much better this year! Jen's schedule was a little more interesting than Meghan's! Jen has Anatomy first thing in the morning and then Biology right after that. She'll be scienced-out by lunch and ready for Music which is right after lunch. Her last class of the day is a "spare". Now that she's in grade 12 - a senior - she can have a spare. It looks like this semester will be a tough morning, but a good afternoon. I hope this means that she will actually complete her correspondence physics course this semester! On the social side, many of Jen's friends were at the barbecue, so she was busy comparing schedules and getting caught up with gossip. She chatted with all her favourite teachers including Mr. Van, Mr. Russell, Miss Simpson, Mr. Beaton, and Miss Massimiliano - to name a few. She's behind me giving more names, but I think this is more than enough - you'll get the picture.
The most important thing about being in grade 12 at Marymount Academy is "the gallery". This is a hallway which overlooks the gym and cafeteria, and is exclusively for the grade 12 girls! It is like their special domain - they get to look down on the rest of the girls and laugh, and remember how it used to be when they first started at the school.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Jamie's Summer Hair

Last year, Jamie decided he wanted to colour his hair since both his sisters and his mother got highlights in the last few years. Since only normal colours are allowed during the school year, he waited till school finished and got his hair dyed green. He matched the grass in our yard perfectly!
What he really wanted last year was blue - but we couldn't find a good colour. This year, Kelly (our family hair stylist) found a perfect blue! and on the last day of school, he got the "blue do". He is quite impressed with this summer look. I have to admit that I like the colour.
Our First Entry
Well, the three children and I are huddled around the kitchen computer trying to decide how to start this entire blog thing! I guess - to get started - each of them will give me a little something to introduce themselves. By the way, I am Melinda - the mother of these three charming children, and usually the author of the blogs - no, you won't hear much about me - my life is boring!
Jennifer - I am the oldest and am going in to grade 12, and it's a little scary. I love all things music and am sometimes called a "band geek" - to which I reply, "Thank you". I play the flute in the band and guitar everywhere else. The only sport that I participate in regularly is karate, and I actually feel co-ordinated when I'm there, unlike when I'm on a bicycle. Mom says I talk a lot and worry about my friends too much. I guess I do talk too quickly, but I really don't think that I talk too much.
Jamie - I am the middle child, but luckily, the only boy! I like all things "Bob". Go Bob! I don't really want to be thinking about things to write - I do much better at playing video games. I definitely talk the least in the family! but I am funny (or so I'm told). Let's see - I like karate and swimming. My favourite subjects are math and science and I'd really like to make video games for a living. How's that??
Meghan - I am the youngest child, but I'm totally the best! I am starting grade 7 at a new school - Marymount (all-girl, Catholic school) this fall and am really excited about it! I don't do karate (too much discipline); I don't play an instrument; I am horrible at video games (crash way too often). I am the greatest camper ever! I love guiding and camping and if I could, I'd sleep in a tent every night. The sport I like is swimming. School is boring - enrichment is fun!
Jennifer - I am the oldest and am going in to grade 12, and it's a little scary. I love all things music and am sometimes called a "band geek" - to which I reply, "Thank you". I play the flute in the band and guitar everywhere else. The only sport that I participate in regularly is karate, and I actually feel co-ordinated when I'm there, unlike when I'm on a bicycle. Mom says I talk a lot and worry about my friends too much. I guess I do talk too quickly, but I really don't think that I talk too much.
Jamie - I am the middle child, but luckily, the only boy! I like all things "Bob". Go Bob! I don't really want to be thinking about things to write - I do much better at playing video games. I definitely talk the least in the family! but I am funny (or so I'm told). Let's see - I like karate and swimming. My favourite subjects are math and science and I'd really like to make video games for a living. How's that??
Meghan - I am the youngest child, but I'm totally the best! I am starting grade 7 at a new school - Marymount (all-girl, Catholic school) this fall and am really excited about it! I don't do karate (too much discipline); I don't play an instrument; I am horrible at video games (crash way too often). I am the greatest camper ever! I love guiding and camping and if I could, I'd sleep in a tent every night. The sport I like is swimming. School is boring - enrichment is fun!
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